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DAWGS - Softball league - 2009

Photos of our latest Dawg members.


Peyton JoAnn

October 10, 2009

7lbs 7 ozs and 20 inches


Oliver William

August 21, 2009

7 lbs and 20 inches

Satchel and Clover  

Satchel Ward

May 2, 2009

7 lbs 10 ozs

with older sister



Click on the links below to see a report on Eddie and other throwing videos.

Kaz Watanabe video

Gerry Walsh video

Eddie Rivas video

Tony Greicius video

Trevor Friedemann video

Trevor Friedemann on YouTube Make sure to click the HD button to see the largest view.



+ See season 2006

Welcome to our to the start of season 2007. We won our first game against the Maulers, 22-17. It was a close game and they almost came back during the last inning.

Congratulations to Brian and Kelly for their baby girl. Baby Clover was kind enough to wait until Brian finished his game before letting mom go into labor.



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  Tony Greicius